I listen to you. I also listen to the messages and insights that are present for you. A message or  insight can come to me at any time. It might come to me about a person I am with, or about a person I am about to meet.  It is a clear, unmistakable voice that is not my own and is audible to me, but not to those around me. Usually I hear words. Sometimes I see images. The messages and insight tell me  about a person, their needs, and things that might be beneficial to their physical, emotional and spiritual progress. Because most challenges with wholeness result from a spiritual or emotional wounding, these are what are most often addressed.


​​Healing physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds through the use of contemplative practice has been found in a variety of cultures since the beginning of recorded time. The goal of contemplative practice is to connect us to our creator, and to allow our own internal healing resources, as well as those of our creator, to work in harmony to bring us to an optimum state of health and wellbeing. In helping to dispel negative thoughts, emotions, and images of the past, contemplative practice can replace fear and anxiety with confidence and peace of mind. I use Gregorian chant, ancient monastic music, combined with the relaxation techniques of meditation to help people reach a place of healing. Gregorian chant contemplative practice focuses on facilitating peace of mind, body, and soul to allow each individual’s natural healing processes to flourish.

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