Emotional wholeness can be disturbed by events in our past.  Learning to value ourselves, and living accordingly, is an important component of emotional wholeness. Understanding our past and its impact on how we experience the present is an important first step. Often this understanding can come from  insight. Insight occurs when clarity about us and our woundings or challenges is revealed  to a person who can hear these messages and insights and share it with us. I listen to these insights, and will happily share what I hear, either in person or over the phone.


Spiritual wholeness is the least sought after, and most important, of the
three types of wholeness. Spiritual wholeness comes as we seek our understanding  in an  open, loving and active way. Many of us have old paradigms and wounds that have left us with a skewed understanding of spirituality or our creator. This creates spiritual pain, which causes us to avoid a healthy spirituality. As with emotional wholeness, spiritual wholeness can be approached through understanding ourselves, our wounds, and our past. Both insight and Gregorian chant contemplative practice can facilitate spiritual wholeness.


​​Moving into physical wholeness can be facilitated by recognizing and
changing old behavior patterns that no longer serve us. Seeing our patterns for ourselves can be challenging; an insight can help point us in the right direction. Sometimes healing work is necessary to move toward physical wholeness. Gregorian chant contemplative practice can be done in a group or private setting. Any healing that occurs comes not from any power or skill set I possess, but rather from a connection between the person seeking healing, their creator, and their own intentions.

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